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The Correct Age for Formal School Admission

Schools play a very important role in the lives of children. Getting your child enrolled in a school can be a daunting task and if you pick the wrong school, then your child will end up missing on important school moments and opportunities. It’s imperative to pick the right school and get them enrolled at the right age so that they befriend other kids, take lessons sincerely and grow physically as well as mentally into fine individuals. In addition to that, they lay their hands on extra curricular activities and can turn out to be good at them paving way to a successful career. However, as a parent, it is your duty to make sure that your kids get enrolled in preschool play at the right age. Getting them admitted in a school too early or too late can cost your kids. So, it’s important to get them enrolled at the correct age. 

The importance of pre preschool
There is no iota of doubt that preschool plays an important role in the life of a child. It has been scientifically found out that children who have attended daycare with preschool program are brighter and exhibit better social behaviour than those who haven’t. Even the benefits of attending an online preschool has an edge over not attending at all. 
The right age for your kid’s admission into school
Nations around the world have demarcated different age guidelines for the correct age for formal school admission. However, the general age group to enrol your kid in school is from 18 months onwards. Children between 18 months to 5 years usually attend playschool. Children below the age of 18 months are too young for school. In India, kids above the age of three years can kickstart their schooling. 
The right playschool for your kid
Medhaam preschool play is the best preschool in Gurgaon. Bestowed with experienced and dedicated staff, this preschool lays individual focus on the kids grooming them into healthy and smart children. In this pre preschool, the kids are taught in an interactive, engaging, and entertaining manner. In addition to that, we aim to instill good behavior and promote active nature in our kids. At Medhaam - the best daycare in Delhi, we aim to instill five essential skills and qualities in the children. These include:

Gross motor skills
The right balance, spine alignment, jumping posture etc. comes under gross motor skills. We aim to engage kids in activities that can help in grooming their gross motor skills. 

Fine motor skills
Correct hand to eye coordination is of paramount importance. At Medhaam, we lay emphasis on this very aspect by making the kids hold crayons, turn pages etc.

Emotional Quotient
Children need to develop their emotional quotient for a normal growth. They need to express themselves with the help of proper communication tools, emotions and language. We strive to develop their EQ by engaging them in fun-activities.

Social skills
Social skills help children to interact with others and get rid of social anxiety, public fear etc. We make sure that the students greet each other as well our teachers confidently. We further work on their communication skills.

Cognitive Development
This involves your child’s learning capacity and his/her ability to understand things. He/she should be able to retain basic information to engage well in class. We often put lap books, story books, games and clipping cards to use for this.
We take good care of health as well as hygiene of your kids. So, you can be in a worry-free mode after dropping your kid at Medhaam daycare with preschool program.
Getting through the admission process 
The best daycare in Delhi - Medhaam has a very lucid and clearly-specified admission process. You need to fill the application form that can be easily fetched from our website - You can also get the hardcopy from our school. You need to upload or attach the requisite documents and submit the application. We will call you to our campus afterwards where the assigned counsellor will guide you through the rest of the process and also answer any queries you might have. Once you’re satisfied, you can reserve a seat for your kid and pay the fees. 
At Medhaam preschool play, we welcome your child with open arms and aim to take care of him/her in the best manner possible.

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