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Teaching 6 Good Table Manners for Kids

We all want our kids to behave nicely at home as well as in public places. And one way of behaving nicely is to follow a proper code of conduct at the dining table. And kids should have a basic idea of how to sit and behave at the dining table. Being one of the best schools with daycare in Gurgaon, Medhaam instills proper table manners in little heads in a fun and engaging manner. We often tell parents to encourage their kids to follow proper table manners while eating at home or in public places, wherever possible. In this blog, we will tell you why table manners are important in today’s time and will take you through six stellar table manners that every kid should know. So, let’s take the cutlery in our hands and get started.

A sneak peek into table manners and their importance
Long back, table manners had originated in Ancient Greece. The Greeks were in the habit of documenting rules that were to be abided by while having meals. Since then, almost every second country followed in their footsteps and that’s how we got a comprehensive set of table manners. 
It may be possible that you consider table manners to be too rigorous and interruptive in the flow of eating, but remember that nobody appreciates messy eating, not even if cute little fingers are causing it. So, it’s important to make your kids well-versed in basic table manners. While children are quick learners, it’s important to let their impressionistic minds ingrain the details so that they don’t misdo any particular gesture at the table. This will also help them in inculcating the habit of organizing every aspect of their lives in the future.
Six stellar table manners that every kid should know
Medhaam, being one of the best day cares in Gurgaon has compiled a list of six table manners that your kid should be aware of while eating. Sp, without any further ado, let’s get started.
Biting off more than you can chew is a big “no-no”. 
Kids often stuff their mouth with too much of food. This gives a bad impression. On top of that, they try to mumble and in the very process, they end up spitting out some food. Moreover, a mouthful of food can be chokeful. So, it’s recommended to eat whatever is served in your tiny plate in small morsels or bites.
Use proper table cloth, napkin and cutlery.
One of the most desirable and expected table manners to be showcased by a kid is the proper usage of table cloth, napkin and cutlery. The table cloth is there to prevent your clothes from getting stained. Before you start gorging on the splendid selection of food in front of you, make sure that you spread the table cloth on your lap. In addition to that, wipe your lips off with a napkin whenever some pieces of your meal or gravy stains them. Make sure that while lifting the spoon off your plate you don’t make any sound.
Maintain the desired decorum.
Make sure that you maintain the desired decorum while eating. Take sufficient time to chew and swallow the food. Getting your throat choked is something you need to avoid. Be polite while asking for bowels or the salt cellars to be passed. Concentrating on your food is equally important.
Never mock the food.
Mocking is generally not preferred, be it in corporate or at the dining table. While eating, ensure your kid doesn’t yell out how bad the pasta is or how tasteless the gravy is. At Medhaam, we come up with real-life examples to make children realize how bad it feels to be mocked by someone. You can try that too. This will help them in shedding off the negative attitude while they are eating.
Some fragrance clings to the hands giving roses. Even on the dining table.
Apart from maintaining table manners, it is quintessential to lend a helping hand. The aforementioned Chinese proverb is along the same lines. Tell your kids to set plates, set up bowls and even pass on bowels of meals. All they have to do is take the hint and offer a helping hand.
You can be excused.
Making mistakes is natural in almost all spheres of life. And the dining table is no different. Your kid might get a little panicky on making a mistake. So, it’s very important to tell them that they are doing just fine and in case of mistakes, they can be excused.
We know that being in either of the roles of a parent or an infant cannot be easy. But with some assistance, you can do wonders. At Medhaam, one of the best schools with day care facility in Gurgaon, we make sure that learning is fun. Reach out to us at to enroll your kids now.

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