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Rhyming Words for Kids

Kids have to learn a lot of stuff. Be it or table manners, everything has to be taught in a fun manner so that they learn quickly and retain it. Rhyming words are no different. While reciting poems, it’s important to know the rhyme which almost every poem has. If you wish to teach something to your kid, teach them in a rhyming manner. Apart from this, they are able to maintain a vocablury bank. Today, Medhaam kindergarten daycare brings to you ways to teach your kids rhyming words followed by a list of rhyming words. 

Effective ways to teach your kids rhyming words.
Teaching rhyming words to kids can be time-consuming as well as not so fruitful sometimes. Medhaam kindergarten and daycare brings to you some simple ways to teach rhyming words to your kids.
Introducing the rhyming words via poems.
It is important to introduce rhyming words in the right manner to kids. Otherwise, they won’t find them interesting. You can introduce rhying words via poems. At our kindergarten and daycare, we simply read or sing them to the kids. You can try singing or reading a variety of nusery poems to give them a gist of rhyming words.
Help them with rhyme recognition.
Many a times, kids hear rhymes or poems somewhere and tend to sing. That’s because they recognize the song and retain it. So, it’s important to assist them in rhyme recognition. Ask them to tell you the song you just sung.
Be creative.
Use colourful posters and charts to make your kids memorise. You can even buy story books, lap books and pocket booklets. Randomly ask them the words they remember during the course of their day. You can even create small puzzles and ask them to solve with the help of rhyming wods. Reward them if they answer correctly. At Medhaam daycare in Delhi, we even use clipping cards. Whenever a kid sees them, he or she is able to retain that particular rhyming word.
Most prominent rhyming words to teach your kids.
Medhaam play preschool has created a list of the most prominent rhyming words that every kid should know. While we teach your kids with full zeal, we also expect you to contribute in their learning at your home sweet home. So, get started now:
Rhyming words with the sound of “an”
Man, Fan, Can, Pan, Van, Plan, Began

Rhyming words with the sound of “at”
Bat, Cat, Fat, Hat, Rat, Sat, Pat
Rhyming words with the sound of “ap”
Cap, Gap, Lap, Map, Nap, Rap, Tap, Chap, Clap, Slap, Trap, Wrap
Rhyming words with the sound of “am”
Dam, Ham, Ram, Yam, Clam, Cram, Gram, Slam, Tram
Rhyming words with the sound of “ab”
Cab, Dab, Drab, Fab, Flab, Grab, Jab, Nab, Lab, Slab, Tab
Rhyming words with the sound of “all”
Ball, Call, Fall, Hall, Mall, Shawl, Tall, Wall, Thrall, Gall
Rhyming words with the sound of “ar”
Are, Bar, Car, Far, Jar, Scar, Star, Ajar, Guitar
That's all for now. Teaching as well as learning rhyming words can be fun. In addition to that, by teaching these words to your kids you help in laying a solid literacy foundation for them. We hope that you found this article insightful and helpful. So, what’s stopping you now? You and your kid can jam together on some rhyming words now. Happy teaching!
If you wish to enroll your kid at Medhaam, the kindergarten daycare, then reach out to us at Gift a solid school foundation to your kid with Medhaam! Here, learning is fun.

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