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How to Teach Your Kids to Behave Well with Others?

Every parent wants his/her child to behave well with others. But since children neither have multitasking abilities nor do they have the maturity to comprehend things and understand the magnitude of their actions, they might end up blowing that dinner with your boss unintentionally. So, what should be done? Well, you should surely keep that rod down. It is recommended to get down and connect at their level rather than reprimanding them. Today, Medhaam daycare preschool brings the best ways to teach your child how to behave well with others. Let’s get started.

Try understanding your child.
Try to understand that your child is not being hard or difficult on purpose. The expert faculty of Medhaam play preschool suggests that instead of expressing your disappointment in your child’s inappropriate behavior, try telling him that you understand he’s having a hard time and offer help.
Get down to your child’s level. Communicate with them.
It is very important to acknowledge your child’s feelings and not disregard them. For example, if your kid is angry because you took his toy, try not to ignore his feelings and take an effort to calm him down by providing an explanation for your action. The child needs to know the true reason for you doing so. Therefore, telling him that you took the toy because it was time for him to enjoy a meal or because he behaved inappropriately will help you make your point in a better fashion. 
Remould discipline.
Ditch punishment and pitch positivity. For example, saying you are proud of your child for behaving well, and being kind and thoughtful when he does something truly heart-touching, will encourage him to continue being on his best behavior. Also, ensure that you model yourself on the same lines for your little one to follow. Never yell, shout or scream when you have to make a point. Remember that children imitate their parents to a great extent. Therefore, it is important to be assertive and calmly stress the core of the matter for your child to understand it. In addition to that, you can motivate your child by putting up a reward chart. Promise them a reward for being on their best behavior and there you go!
Prepare them mentally with friendly reminders.
Simply barging in and switching off the TV can affect your child negatively. Whenever your child is being stubborn or not at the best of his/her behavior then try using some friendly reminders. In this case, you can use a “10-minute warning” or something like that. This way, your kid will be mentally prepared for what to expect if they don’t fall in line.
Introduce them to the gift of gratitude.
Kids need to be taught gratitude and its importance, and the best way to do that is to set a small routine, either in the morning or at bedtime, to give thanks for everything they have. Once this routine is set, you’ll notice how quickly it reflects in the other aspects of your child’s life, be it at school, at home, or at parties and other social gatherings. 
To be honest, there is no proven technique to inspire good behavior; the most important thing is to lead by example. Let your child see how you care for people around you, hear the kind words you use, and see you doing your duty irrespective of being told. These will suffice to encourage empathetic behavior in your child. 

Wish to raise your child in the best manner? Reach out to the expert faculty at Medhaam preschool play. Contact us anytime at

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