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Fun Challenges To Boost Your Kid's Creativity

 “No fun and only work makes Jack a dull boy”.

Walk in the wonderland.
No, not Disneyland. We are talking about your neighbourhood. Spare some time and walk in your neighbourhood with your kid. Observe things together, draw conclusions and keep on talking. It’s a great way of interacting with your kid. Ask fun questions such as: “If you could paint that house any colour, what colour would you pick?”; “Can you spot the fairy of this neighbourhood”? 
Encourage your kids to point interesting things out to you too. They will always have unique, and often unexpected, perspectives to share on a wide range of topics. Because the world is so new and exciting to them, they will never fail to impress you with their active imaginations!
Cooking challenge
One of the best ways to encourage the creativity of your child is through cooking. Baking a cake for them? Ask them to help you in the process as well as in the icing. In addition to that, you can come up with new recipes and cook them together. 
If your kids are too young to do that, play MasterChef Junior with them. Let them make an imaginary dish for you by picking ingredients. Use inanimate objects for the same. At Medhaam kindergarten childcare, we often do this activity.
Rewriting tales.
Another fun activity could be rewriting classic tales and stories. How about ending “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” in a different manner? How about recreating Hansel and Gretel? Sounds fun, no? This will not only make their creative juices flow but will also develop their language skills, and will increase their love for reading and writing.
Music and musical instruments.
You can begin by setting up an ensemble of pots and cooking vessels. Let the spatula be the drum sticks for your kid. Let them play like there is no tomorrow. While this is perfect for toddlers, for young children you can go a step further. How about making your kid learn music and muscial instruments? Harmonica, Kazu are some instruments that your kid can learn in a span of 15 days or a month. This not only make them groom a brand new hobby but will also enhance their gross motor skills. On the top of that, you will be encouraging a music maestro, who knows?
Fancy-dress competition.
Let your kids unleash the fashionista in them by dressing up the way they like using your clothes. You can give them themes and let their creativity run astray. The more you participate, the more they’ll let loose and come up with awesome ideas for your next family costume party. And who knows, they will end up being a fashion designer in future?
“What If?”
‘What If?’ is a simple game to play in any setting, and although it can get silly at times, it’s a great tool for putting your children’s creativity to the test. All you need to do is think of entertaining scenarios that will get their minds working hard to come up with clever answers.
Ask them questions like: “What if giraffes were so tall that they could reach the moon?”, “What if you could drive anywhere you wanted to?” etc. Let them give all sorts of quirky answers. 
The colour game.
This is another easy game that you can play anywhere, whether you’re in a shop, on the bus, or relaxing with your kids at home. Start by asking your children to name as many things as they can that are a certain color, like red. Next, ask them how many things they can think of that are shaped like an Oval, what items they can name that start with the letter ‘M’, and so forth. You can even offer little prizes for the most creative answers to encourage them to get imaginative.
So, these were some fun activities that can pose as wonderful and exciting challenges for your kids. Wish to enroll your kid at Medhaam care preschool? Enroll him/her now at

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