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Activities on Christmas for Preschool Kids

Jingle Bells, jingle bells…Jingle all the way! Christmas is here. Undoubtedly, Christmas is one of the most popular festivals amongst kids because it is all about giving joy and gifts and spreading smiles and blankets. At Medhaam preschool program, we organize a mind-blowing Christmas Carnival called the “Lapland Fiesta” where children, as well as parents, can have a wonderful time together. Wish to attend it? Reach out to us at before the carnival ends. Hurry up!

Christmas is fun. And such a fun festival demands getting engaged in some really fun activities. So, what activities are you holding for your children, this Xmas? Still not decided? Well, this blog by Medhaam preschool program can help you out. So, grab your fake white beards, and let’s do “Ho, ho, ho, ho!” together.

Let your children hear the tale of Christmas.
The festival of Christmas that falls every year on the 25th of December is regarded as the biggest festival of Christians. But do you know why, kids? Well, because it marks the birthday of Jesus Christ - the founder of Christianity. At Medhaam, the best preschool Gurgaon, we make sure the children know the story of Jesus Christ so that they can celebrate Christmas with greater understanding and joy. This Christmas, you too can narrate the tale of the birth of Jesus Christ to your kids and increase their curiosity with voice effects and the fake white beard, of course.
Decorating a Christmas tree.
Decorating a Christmas tree is the best way of bringing out the creative side of your children. You can buy two-three Christmas trees and can organize a fun, little Christmas tree decorating competition. Medhaam has been organizing Christmas tree competitions every Christmas. Children have a lot of fun while participating in it. And trust us, your children won’t be happier than seeing you compete with them in putting those shimmery balls or stars on a Christmas tree. 
This Christmas, bake a cake!
Christmas cakes add the desired sweetness to the merriment of Christmas. This Christmas, you can try baking a cake with your children. While you prepare the main ingredients, you can ask them to assist you with icing, etc. If you do not prefer cooking with your kids, then you can get a plum cake from the market and can try decorating it with your kids. It will be super fun and super scrumptious.
Stocking or socks decoration.
Nothing can be more exciting for your kids than opening the gifts that Santa Claus has left in their socks or stockings. So, another activity that you can take up this Christmas is decorating your Christmas socks or stocking. Go for pastable sequins, beads, stickers, and whatnot for the same. At Medhaam, the best preschool Gurgaon, we also organize a stocking decoration competition every year for kids with tempting rewards.
This Christmas, help the needy!
Christmas is the festival that teaches us to live with harmony and love. It also teaches sharing and helping the poor and needy. We believe that Christmas is also about spreading smiles and there is a lot of satisfaction in sharing our things with others. At Medhaam daycare preschool, we take kids to old-age homes and orphanages where they give gifts to elderly people and kids. You can do that too. A drive to the nearby shelter home can make somebody’s day and can give a lesson on “sharing is caring” to your child. 
So, these were some of the most engaging activities that can help you in celebrating Christmas with your kids. The Medhaam daycare preschool family wishes you a Merry Christmas in advance! Spread smiles with a blanket of good health and a cup of joy.

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